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Related: diary

Jul-01-2013: CrowdPlex
Modify http://AskBot.org to include offers/requests of:
1. Goods - such as milk or honey.
2. Services - such as taxi ride or plumbing.
3. Sources - such as a dairy, beehives a taxi or plumbing tools.
4. Skills - such as tending cattle or bees, driving a taxi or plumbing.

Register http://CrowdPlex.org

Anyone can create a new project describing a potential Good or Service.
Similar projects are shown to the applicant to help pool effort.
Supporters estimate the quantity and quality of Sources and Skills required.
Supporters cross-commit Sources or Skills to prepay for that Good or Service.
Each supporters gains real co-ownership in the % of the Sources they pay for.

Cross-committing Skills allows worker specialization through promises chains.
 Imagine the most simple case of two workers trading work with each other.
 One commits to milk the cattle while the other commits to tend the bees.
 The usual need to pay wages is "canceled out" and so no money is needed.
 And the usual need to buy goods is eliminated because each supporter owns some % of dairy and some % of the hives.

A commits to work for B in return for B committing to work for A.