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                A NEW PRODUCTIVE FORM

Preemptive Production

A group can supply all the inputs for all the outputs they need.

Inputs are work, land, water, organisms, tools, energy, etc.
Outputs are food, housing, clothing, sanitation, transport, etc.

Some investors pay money as inputs now and receive outputs later.
For example 1,000 milk drinkers pay $1,000 each to buy a dairy.
These investors receive milk some time after production has begun.

Some investors pay labor as inputs later and receive outputs now.
For example 10 workers commit to all the labor to run the dairy.
These investors receive many outputs before production has begun.

Workers need outputs now because that is all they receive in wages.
They need food, housing, clothing, sanitation, transport, etc.

But how will we supply the outputs before they have been produced?

Output consumers are input owners.
Product is the Investor's Return.
Work is another Investment type.
Profit is the Payer's Investment.
Secession divides Ownership.

1.) The product is never sold (except surplus as defined in #3) because each co-owner has spread their investments across all the Physical Sources of production for which they predict they will need the Objects, and in just enough to receive the amount the need.  This eliminates profit because the final transaction does not occur.  This is known as economic imputation.

2.) A Promise-to-work is an Investment.  This means middle-to-lower income Consumers will prepay (think a variant of crowd sourcing mixed with scheduled time-banking) by committing to work in the future in return for co-ownership in the VIPM.

3.) Profit is the Payer's Investment.  This means we will charge profit against those who buy surplus Objects, but treat (at least some % of) as an Investment in more Physical Sources that will finally vest to the Consumer who paid it so that every Consumer incrementally gains co-ownership in the Physical Sources needed to produce all the Objects they need.

4.) Secession is a protected right.  This means any subgroup may secede for any arbitrary reason while retaining their portion of of ownership that property.  This is an attempt to address the Tyranny of the Majority.

Product: Any good or service offered by a Crowd.
Crowd: Any number of people co-owning shared Sources.
Sources: The Means of Production such as land, plants, tools.  Also sometimes calle Property.
Member:  One co-owner of Sources within a Crowd.
NON-Member: Any person with insufficient co-ownership in Sources and so must resort to buying Product and paying Profit.
Profit:  The difference between what the Owner paid in Costs and what the Consumer pays at the point-of-sale.  Profit is undefined when the Consumer of the Product has sufficient part Ownership in the Sources, because, in that case, they own the Product already, as a side-effect of owning the Sources.  Each Consumer/Owner must pay the Costs of production or slowly loose co-ownership as the Crowd sells some of those Sources to pay for the recurring Costs.
Price:  The summation of Cost and Profit.
Surplus: Extra Product caused by a Consumer owning more Sources than they need to produce the Products they use directly.  This will be common since many Consumers will choose to overinvest slightly to protect against 'lean' years caused by drought or disease or other natural disasters.
Profit:  Difference between Owner_Costs and Conumer_Price.  Undefined for Consumer_Property except when selling Surplus.
Promise: A commitment to work in the future.


Workers on-site during BOOTUP are offered tents or movable buildings for shelter and cafeteria meals from bulk-food purchases.

Buy the bare land, the tools, plants and animals, etc needed to build and maintain shared parts of the property, including permaculture, some buildings.


size of parcel
Number of workers

Additional needed to supply investing consumers.a

cost of the raw land and tools.

Estimate number of industries and workers needed for minimal 'BOOTUP' phase.
Issue "Product Futures" at that scale.
Most middle-to-upper class consumers will buy Product Futures with plain old money.
Most lower-to-middle class consumers will buy Product Futures with work bonds (commitments to work in the future).

Imagine a community or village with enough productive complexity to provide a 'reasonable' standard of living for all those who work and live there.

So there is an orchard and a dairy and a bakery and a dentist office, etc.

But the distribution of property ownership in this community is very strange compared to most:

The bakery is owned by the subgroup that wants bread instead of being owned by the bakers.
And the dairy is owned by the subgroup that wants milk instead of being owned by the milkers.
And the water is owned by the subgroup that wants water instead of being owned by the water-workers.
And the beehives are owned by the subgroup that wants honey instead of being owned by the beekeepers.

This causes the PRODUCTS of these industries to be 'pre-distributed' (already owned by) those who will finally consume them.  This means there is no need to buy/sell the PRODUCT because it is already the property of those who need it.

This assumes each consumer owns the *perfect* amount of shares in each industry to receive the *exact* amount of PRODUCT they predicted they would need *and* that their prediction was perfect, *and* that the quantity and quality of the projected production was perfectly accurate.

I know how to solve each of those problems, but will save that for a later mail.  I only bring it up now to avoid concentrating on it.

The other major issue I will cover in a future mail is how the workers can "swap skills" in an efficient manner (hint: by committing to those tasks *before* production begins).

When used in combination, these constraints create a real insurance for any industry and allows workers to specialize without excessive token-passing (the need to use of money is greatly reduced).

Sufficiently diverse groups of workers can meet their basic needs if they own the Sources and Skills needed for that production.

A group of 100 to 1000 diversely skilled workers on 100 - 1000 acres could do this with access to the Means of Production.

There is milk and honey where there are cattle and bees.
But only if workers can trade skills between themselves.

As groups cluster, they can own and operate the entire vertically integrated chain (actually tree) of production for all the products they want.

We can help this groups cluster and swap skills.
The further we scale, the closer we approach autonomy.

You can think of these as legally-binding Commitments of Property (as the land and tools, etc.) and Promises (as labor).

These commitments can be represented with the GNUrho or IOTA currency.