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Related: object, own, source

Information is not property because, being non-rivalrous, it has no 'proper' owner aside from initial privacy.  Any attempts to constrain it's use beyond initial privacy break the GNU General Public Law, including denying "at cost" access to it's sources.

In contrast, ownership of physical things is important for the stability of privacy and the freedom to exclude.

Property may be:
* Personal: Single-owner controls the sources of his OWN objectives.  Sometimes called 'Private'.
* Proprietary: Joint-owners control the sources of the objectives of OTHERS.  Sometimes called 'Private' or 'Privatization'.  All capitalist corporations and any supposed 'representative' government is proprietary because only a select few control and realistic divisibility (secession) is disallowed.
* Public: Joint-owners control the sources of their OWN objectives.  Real Public property is mostly confined to very small groups because these organizations become proprietary as more humans join when the new ownership is also controlled by the originators.  Joint ownership can remain public even while scaling if Profit is treated as a Payer's Investment as outlined in the General Public Law.

One way human beings differ from other organisms in our notion of physical property ownership as a socially binding "agreement" that pits not just that owner, but the entire community against those that would otherwise take our belongings or occupy our land just because they are stronger or more vicious.

But private property law is not "dynamic" enough for the collective ownership we use to trade labor for specialization.

Property law is a bit too powerful when it comes to resources that would be more effectively held "in common".  By "in common" I'm referring to the purpose of either of what is traditionally thought of as a "public utility" or as a "corporation".

Whether by government or through incorporation, this co-owned property needs a constraint as negative-feedback to stop originators from excessive control through accumulation caused when profit is treated as a reward for their beginning the organization.

Primative accumulation can be thought of as a largely ignorant and therefore even accidental result of an imbalance having a positive-feedback loop created by mistreating profit as though it were the new property of the current owners instead of understanding it to be an investment from the late-coming payer.

From MySpace.com/patware:
Profit at each trade treated as consumer investment holds an economy in a kind of tension that drives price toward cost and allows unemployment (leisure) to safely approach zero while also removing the externality of the general form of Usury.

Usury is not just high interest on money; it is the misappropriation of profit designed to perpetuate consumer dependence.

Profit is the difference between consumer price and owner costs, where those costs include investments, worker wages, maintenance, etc..  Profit is not needed by society, it is simply a measure of an Object consumer's plea for growth, so should always be treated as their own investment (they are the one that just paid it after all) toward more Physical Sources for future production of more of that kind of Object.

This continuous distribution creates perfected competition and direct democracy, therefore eliminating the faulty reward (Usury) which otherwise drives corporations to invert abundance through artificial scarcity.