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Related: version control


to publish: git commit -a -m "some message"; git push
to update: git pull

== Quick Reference
From Jonas.Nitro.dk/git/quick-reference.html
Getting help:
git help command     or
git command --help     Show help for a command
Repository creation:
git init     Create a repository in the current directory
git clone url     Clone a remote repository into a subdirectory
File operations:
git add path     Add file or files in directory recursively
git rm path     Remove file or directory from the working tree
      -f     Force deletion of file(s) from disk
git mv path destination     Move file or directory to new location
      -f     Overwrite existing destination files
git checkout [rev] file     Restore file from current branch or revision
      -f     Overwrite uncommitted local changes
Working tree:
git status     Show status of the working tree
git diff [path]     Show diff of changes in the working tree
git diff HEAD path     Show diff of stages and unstaged changes
git add path     Stage file for commit
git reset HEAD path     Unstage file for commit
git commit     Commit files that has been staged (with git-add)
      -a     Automatically stage all modified files
git reset --soft HEAD^     Undo commit & keep changes in the working tree
git reset --hard HEAD^     Reset the working tree to the last commit
git clean     Clean unknown files from the working tree
Examining History:
git log [path]     View commit log, optionally for specific path
git log [from[..to]]     View commit log for a given revision range
      --stat     List diffstat for each revision
      -S'pattern'     Search history for changes matching pattern
git blame [file]     Show file annotated with line modifications
Remote repositories - remotes:
git fetch [remote]     Fetch changes from a remote repository
git pull [remote]     Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository
git push [remote]     Push changes to a remote repository
git remote     List remote repositories
git remote add remote url     Add remote to list of tracked repositories
git checkout branch     Switch working tree to branch
      -b branch     Create branch before switching to it
git branch     List local branches
git branch -f branch rev     Overwrite existing branch, start from revision
git merge branch     Merge changes from branch
Exporting and importing:
git apply - < file     Apply patch from stdin
git format-patch from[..to]     Format a patch with log message and diffstat
git archive rev > file     Export snapshot of revision to file
      --prefix=dir/     Nest all files in the snapshot in directory
      --format=[tar|zip]     Specify archive format to use: tar or zip
git tag name [revision]     Create tag for a given revision
      -s     Sign tag with your private key using GPG
      -l [pattern]     List tags, optionally matching pattern
File status flags:
M modified     File has been modified
C copy-edit     File has been copied and modified
R rename-edit     File has been renamed and modified
A added     File has been added
D deleted     File has been deleted
U unmerged     File has conflicts after a merge
Last updated 02-Jun-2007 19:39:04 CEST

Git-SCM.com >>The fast version control system



www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagic >>Git is a version control Swiss army knife. A reliable versatile multipurpose revision control tool whose extraordinary flexibility makes it tricky to learn, let alone master.

Eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists >>Quick introduction to git internals for people who are not scared by words like Directed Acyclic Graph.


WhyGitIsBetterThanX.com >>This site is here because I seem to be spending a lot of time lately defending Gitsters against charges of fanboyism, bandwagonism and koolaid-thirst. So, here is why people are switching to Git from X, and why you should too.

MSYSGit.GoogleCode.com >>Historically, Git on Windows was only officially supported using Cygwin. To help make a native Windows version, this project was started, based on the fork.

TortoiseGit.GoogleCode.com >>It is porting TortoiseSVN to TortoiseGit The latest release This release can complete regular task, such commit, show log, diff two version, create branch and tag, Create patch and so on.


==Init Machine
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email your@email.com

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your@email.com"
copy ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to the git host (such as github)

====Init project
git init
git add README.txt
git commit -a -m 'init'
git remote add origin git@github.com:$(USER)/$(PROJECT).git
git push -u origin master