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Gold is an ornamental metal often used as a unit of measure, but is not a valid store of value, as it has almost no real use.

Gold represents the SUN in Alchemy.

The "Cross of Gold" speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 Democratic National Convention on July 9, 1896 at the Chicago Coliseum in Chicago, Illinois.  In this speech it is evident that he wishes to have bimetallism.  The Democratic Party stood for standardizing the value of the United States dollar to silver and in opposition to the proposed pegging of the value of the dollar to gold.  Bryan had once said before "make the dollar so stable in its purchasing power that it will defraud neither debtor nor creditor." the ones who supported inflation had looked to two different sources for addictional circulating currency, like the Greenbackers.  The inflation that would result from the silver standard would make it easier for poor farmers to pay off their farm debts by increasing their revenue dollars.  The deflation that would result from the gold standard backed by the Republicans would benefit banks by making it harder for their debtors to pay back their loans.  The speech became famous and gets its name from its triumphant ending:

Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: 'You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
-- Wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_gold_speech

''Felix the Cat: The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg (1936)''

This 7 Minute cartoon shows Felix working at the "'RELIEF BUREAU'" handing out coins sliced from Goldie's eggs to the apparently poor people lining up for a handout.

Captain Kid steals the bird and sings:
  "'We takes what we wants, and we wants what we takes, for we're pirates out looking for treasure.'"
  "'If we see any gold, we steal it away, robbing widows and orphans of pleasure.'"

Felix chases Kid and recovers Goldie, then showers the city with coins from cannons.  Citizens cleaning money from streets may seem nice, but is it?  Doesn't the resolving power of each coin decrease as number of coins increases?

What if every household had their own gold-egg laying goose (or counterfieting machine)?  Who would do the work?  What work could be done?  What work must the poor do to meet their needs?

Money isn't pleasurable unless it can be traded for a good or service.

What if every household had their own food-egg laying goose (or permaculture) instead?  Who would do the work?  What work could be done?  What work must be done?

It's not that money is not a useful tool.  It is useful because it 'universalizes' trade by causing one good or service to be easily exchanged for another.

Like a community 'storehouse' where you "check in" your goods or "register" your services so that others may exchange with you...
