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Aug-31-2007: Posted to MySpace.com/loanfunder in response to YouTube.com/v/1-eyuFBrWHs&rel=0 "'Is this really happening? - WAKE UP AND DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!!!!'"

Do you realize MySpace.com is OWNed by Rupert Murdoch of "News Corporation" which is the proprietor of the FOX network?  By utilizing THEIR physical sources (the land, buildings, computers, electricity and human resources (employees)) our mere activity here on this website supports that warring propaganda because of the profit that flows to the wrong hands.

If you say "But what can we do?" my answer is "We (the consumers) must organize and OWN some physical sources ourselves that are constrained by the rule that all profit be treated as consumer investment so that control remains in our hands."

Please read my blog entry "The Problem With Profit" for (what I think is) a clear explanation of the course we can take and then tell or ask me your concerns or questions.

Thanks for your time and please do not give up - these (probably strange sounding) concepts are in perfect alignment with all of your stated goals, it is just not yet clear to you in what way they are pertinent.

Aug-30-2007: Posted to MySpace.com/grnxnm
The restrictions against copying lifeforms held in the "IRAQ COALITION PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY ORDER NUMBER 81" [which you may read at http://IraqCoalition.org/regulations/20040426_CPAORD_81_Patents_Law.pdf ] are a straightforward result of the inverted incentives we see when profit is misinterpreted as a prize to keep instead of being understood as an investment from the consumer that just paid it.

It is worth noting there was a large collection of wheat varieties housed in the Abu Ghraib facility (that the US turned into a torture chamber) that have gone mysteriously missing during our "War of Terror"(TM).

The next technology for the physical enforcement of artificial scarcity (after "Terminator Technology") is http://www.TransContainer.wur.nl described as "Developing efficient and stable biological containment systems for genetically modified plants.".

Usury (misapplied profit) is a dangerous problem that NEW investing owners can (and will) solve by entering into a contract that
enforces that constraint similarly to the way the FSF's GNU GPL solves this problem in the virtual (non-physical) realm.

Why can nobody hear me? Have we been programmed to disallow such information from entering our gray matter?

Aug-30-2007: Posted to MySpace.com/loanfunder in response to the question "'What stage are you in?'"

Brother B.,

Thanks for the video YouTube.com/v/ve0WOqA1-tU

The 'stage' I am in (as you ask) is one where I view humans as largely innocent but ignorant automatons that only accidentally misallocate the physical resources of our planet because we lack a 'rule' or 'law' that could otherwise help us achieve the "Nash Equilibrium" for that economic activity.

I have uncovered the true meaning of profit, and a solution based on that information, but cannot find anyone willing to listen to that logic.

B. FrankMan responds:
>I think that the problem is not that people are unwilling to converse with you but unable to comprehend what you are talking about.  What you need to do is write the problem and solution down in a coherent format so that we can figure out what WE can do to change the systems that keep us enslaved.  I think that alot has to do with the money system and the income tax.  If both were reformed then the "American Dream" would be more accessable.  These systems make it extremely difficult for the average person to realize abundance and truly enjoy life.  I think this is what the American Revolution was about.  From cradle to grave it is WORK.  My solution calls for people to simply UNPLUG.  I hear the Jesus message loud and clear.  UNPLUG.  Can you be Christian without a belief in Christ? My solution calls for the realization that this is a game, and to play the game just long enough to unplug from it <>.  My solution has several stages.  1st stage is to play the game and generate enough capital to buy enough REAL property that the natural systems supply the rest.

Aug-30-2007: Finally signed up at Chumby.com as AGNUcius.

Aug-30-2007: http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/files/stroustrup.ogg >>A good programming language is far more than a simple collection of features.  My ideal is to provide a set of facilities that smoothly work together to support design and programming styles of a generality beyond my imagination.  Here, I briefly outline rules of thumb (guidelines, principles) that are being applied in the design of C++0x.  Then, I present the state of the standards process (we are aiming for C++09) and give examples of a few of the proposals such as concepts, generalized initialization, being considered in the ISO C++ standards committee.  Since there are far more proposals than could be presented in an hour, I'll take questions.

Aug-24-2007: MySpace post by B. FrankMan
Subject: WHY doesn't the media support Ron Paul?

"'The media is owned and controlled by the same powerful banking interests that own and control the Federal Reserve. The media is owned by larger corporations such as General Electric, which are in turn owned by the elite banking cabal. The elite control government officials through bribes and blackmail. The elite use their ownership of corporate media outlets to dumb down Americans until the people have no way to fathom how their constitutional rights are being systematically eroded.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think." — Adolf Hitler

So, why doesn't the media support Ron Paul?

He tells the truth so it’s no wonder that when a person like Ron Paul comes along and tells the truth about the Federal Reserve and the Iraq war that the established media doesn’t want the People to hear his message. All those talking heads who downplay or criticize Paul are either paid agents of the elite or are themselves dumbed down to the point where they can’t recognize someone trying to free them of their chains.

HIDING THE POLICE STATE As more and more cameras are place everywhere you go (buses, taxis, subways, sides of buildings, etc) do the “talking heads” warn us that a society is being built where you feel self regulated because you know you’re under 24 hour watch? Do they warn you that you’ll be living within a self-imposed prison without bars? Do they warn you that the cameras are there to monitor your behavior? Nope. The truth is hidden through media censorship. Sure, the media tells us “what” is happening, but they don’t help people understand the “why”, the implications it all has for a future police state right here in the “land of the free”. Did you know that: * Cameras are being installed that shout at you if you’re doing something wrong? * Cell phone companies can track you through your phone and the technology will soon be hooked into every police department and car? * You will be body scanned for the “right” to travel? * You will be listened to in your home through your computer or cable/satellite box? * You will be watched in your own home.

LET’S RESTORE THE REPUBLIC! These are reasons why it’s up to the people to get Ron Paul’s message out. He wants to take the State out of our lives and restore the Republic that the founding fathers gave us. Why doesn’t the media support Ron Paul? Because he isn’t one of the run-of-the-mill corrupt officials in the US government, willing to do the bidding of those with the money powers. "The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility and out of self-interest for himself, his family, and the future of his country to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state." - Ron Paul


The people who are the producers in America are being scammed by the banking elite and Ron Paul is trying to expose the scam. While the producers slave away in their little shack homes, the bankers create money from nothing and steal the wealth of the land through the Federal Reserve, the illegal United States central bank. The bankers produce nothing and contribute nothing but misery and slavery to the people. Educate yourself on why your debt is impossible to pay off because the interest must be paid with more borrowed money.

It's time to wake up and do a little reading!!!'"

Noah Friedman friedman at splode.com wrote:
> It wasn't even a demand by BIG COMIC STRIP AUTHORING.  It was a COWARDLY RETREAT by the FSF's PINHEAD LAWYER.

PINHEAD lawyers are (by definition) those hired by the holders of ZippyThePinhead.com

Renewed interest in Commercial Free Software as FreeGamer.BlogSpot.com creates FreeGameDev.net

Aug-13-2007: Trying to rework this old entry:
The GNU GPL solves the prisoner's dilemma through prior arrangement as a legally binding social agreement.

An owner may mark any physical property PUBLIC by applying the GNU General Public Law.  That physical source is then available to rent or buy according to the discretion of those owners.
As the ownership of all sources approaches perfection, money is still needed to trade labor.

I think the amount of GNUrho issued against that source should depend upon the value as assessed by non-owners

Owners use the GNU GPL to enforce some "terms of use" as a kind of private law that constrains the actors by requiring users always gain source access to maximize freedom and abundance.


Aug-13-2007: Watched ZeitgeistMovie.com [or Video.Google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331] the other night...
Summary: Religion explained as the worship of the saving power of nature (especially the SUN) hijacked by corporations and governments that mislead us into war for profit through the mysteries of money and trade including The Federal Reserve, Amero, North American Union, and Security and Prosperity Partnership.

Aug-05-2007: Trying to construct a reply to https://lists.thing.net/pipermail/idc/2007-August/002702.html

> profit has been successfully yoked to questions of utility
Profit occurs when consumer price is more than owner costs.

One cost an owner pays is all wages paid to workers who operated the sources during that round to produce, transport, store and sell.

Other costs include the prices an owner paid and continues to pays to buy, install, manage, operate, maintain and protect the sources and their objects.

It is common to claim profit is reward for taking the risk of investing, but is there no end to it?  Profit measures the product consumer's dependence on the business owner.  It is an inverse measure of that society's development.

Physical source owners may sell the objects of those sources for more than it cost to produce them.  Wages paid for work are one of those costs.

But profit is not wages, and it is not payment for work.  It is the ability to leverage the consumer to pay more than the real costs of production through withholding access to the sources of that production.

Now, you might say "There are no true monopolys because anyone can always just start another business."

This reasoning admits that competition is only between owners.  Non-owners cannot compete because they do not have access to the physical sources of production.

Aug-02-2007: About P2PFoundation.net/User_Ownership
Patrick Anderson <.....@EcoComics.org> writes:
> Producers are sometimes Owners, sometimes hired Workers, and sometimes Users.

Dmytri Kleiner <..@telekommunisten.net> replies:
>> This is correct, the essential characteristic of commons-based production is that all participants are Owners, Workers and Users, which is why the term peers is a good one.

> If you mean "Workers" then you create the Mode that Marx dreamt of, and which might be temporarily slightly better than what we experience now.

>> Not sure why Marx is invoked here since the class distinction of "Worker" was neither originated in nor unique to his work.

> If you mean Users, then you create the Mode that Richard Stallman invented through the GNU General Public License, and is slated to be generalized into the physical sphere through the GNU General Public Law.

>> Not sure what is meant here, I have never heard of the "GNU General Public Law" nor of any initiative involving Stallman or the FSF that is slated to generalize anything into the physical sphere.

> As an example, when you pay for the costs of copying an apple, which would you say is better:
> 1. An arbitrary, non-working group of Owners control the care (they may spray the orchard with dangerous chemicals) of those Sources, and can charge a price above cost to Profit limited only by other competing Owners.

>> This is a very shallow understanding of price theory, the "owners" can of course charge no more than the marginal utility of whatever rent-capturing assets they have plus the reproduction cost of all inputs, including labour.

> 2. Marxism - where the Owners are the Workers that plant, water, maintain and harvest the fruit. They control the Sources similarly to the Owners in #1, but at least they can pay themselves a higher Wage.  The consumer still has little control, is not allowed to do any of the work himself, and is still at the mercy of those who Own.

>> This is nonsense, Marxism in now way prohibits consumers from being workers.  Nor is the idea that Workers must own there means of production an idea that originated in or is unique to Marxism.

>> The point is rather that consumers must also be workers, or else they are exploiting workers.
>> Marxism, with it's credo "from each according to their ability to each according to their need" is actually very much focused on the needs of consumers.
>> It is always surprising to me how people that have plainly never studied Marx insist on disputing with a straw man they name in his honour.
>> As far as the price theory, it is not so much that the workers can pay themselves a higher wage that is import, but rather that the workers can charge a lower price, as there is no rent-extraction by owners, thus the purchasing power of the worker's wage is greater.

> 3. The perfect Mode where the collective Owners are the Consumers themselves. They can make the copies themselves (tend their portion of the orchard in the manner they see fit - and within the constraint of realistic divisibility), or they may hire others to work for them, but either way we (the users/consumers) are in complete control. Such a mode also causes Price to be the same as Cost, as Profit has no meaning when the consumer Owns the Sources - or in other words, if the Consumer did pay profit it, he would be paying himself.

>> This is, in fact, excluding the "hiring others" part, an awkwardly stated version of Marx's concept of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and "Production for Use" instead of "Production for Exchange" or commodity production.

Dmytri Kleiner <..@telekommunisten.net> writes:
> The main area that is missing for me is the limitations on Economic Contribution, in particular the prohibition of a User employing private property and wage-labour to capture surplus-value derived from common-stock of creations.

Patrick Godeau <....@iang.info> replies:
>> Fortunately, this is not possible for a public to capture surplus value from themselves.  This is why the public should not only have financial information, but also drive the economy of copyleft.

> It is possible, as in my example with a radio station or a night club being able to capture surplus value from a recording, even without having any copyright on it.

>> I hope that I've clarified a bit the ideas behind IANG. I also hope that in near future I have some time to work on a concept of collection society that would be managed by the public and not against it.

> Yes, thank you, and I look forward to more.
> I think one key topic I would like to emphasize is that the "public" is a collection of producers, and that in a property-based society, a portion of the total goods produced by these producers is appropriated by non-producing property owners, and that this reduces the amount of wealth the producers can share and exchange with each other.
> I would like a peer-production license to take this issue head-on.

Older entries: diary-jul-2007